Friday, 14 October 2011

New Studio - Episode IV : A New Hope

A long time ago in a solicitor's not that far away I started the process of renting a commercial property. 3 solicitors, an estate agent and a bank all got involved and 5 months later we've finally completed!

Well it's about bloody time frankly!  At last I have my keys and can now make a start on the renovations, decorations and preparations.

Thankfully there isn't much to do. Some new signs, a couple of new walls and doors and a bit of a window display should just about do it! And obviously a bit of tidying and decoration just to make it look as stunning in real life as it does in my head...

With a bit of luck I'll be open for business by late October. Just in time for the Christmas rush! A bit late to start advertising really but I was a bit nervous to start shouting too loud until I actually had my keys.  I now need to contact my list of interested people and cross my fingers they haven't found somewhere else to go or just lost interest!

I'll be having a big push on vouchers as well in December for anyone stuck for gift ideas!

Right.  Off to strip some wallpaper!

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