Wednesday, 14 September 2011

New Studio - The Next Installment

So the last thing I said was that the consent to let had been granted.  Apparently not so.  Well not quite anyway...

I've been told now that for some reason no-one can explain the landlord's lender has referred the consent to their solicitor.  Don't ask.  I don't know why.  They have asked for a full photographic schedule showing the current state of the property.  I would have thought that responsibility would lie with the landlord, but nevertheless I was asked to provide it.  Which is where I've been all afternoon...

Still, on the positive side, I now have something to show you!

This is the main area inside.  It's a great space and doesn't need loads doing to make it useable so when I finally get the keys it should only be a couple of weeks before I'm open.

OK.  Starting to get a bit more excited now...

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