Tuesday, 27 September 2011

New Studio - The Saga Continues...

So, another 2 weeks on and still no keys!  I'm sure I don't need to tell you I'm getting really frustrated now. Again, no-one seems to know why it's not been sorted.  The photographic schedule has been sent to my solicitor, the landlord's solicitor and the lender's solicitor.  That was on 14th September. I was told yesterday that the landlord's solicitor was awaiting a fax from the lender's solicitor.  As of 10 minutes ago that still hadn't arrived.

So basically, this is an update to let you know I have nothing new to tell you...

I would like to extend a massive apology to anyone waiting for a portrait session in the studio. Thank you for your patience and I will do everything I can to shoot you as soon as I possibly can!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

New Studio - The Next Installment

So the last thing I said was that the consent to let had been granted.  Apparently not so.  Well not quite anyway...

I've been told now that for some reason no-one can explain the landlord's lender has referred the consent to their solicitor.  Don't ask.  I don't know why.  They have asked for a full photographic schedule showing the current state of the property.  I would have thought that responsibility would lie with the landlord, but nevertheless I was asked to provide it.  Which is where I've been all afternoon...

Still, on the positive side, I now have something to show you!

This is the main area inside.  It's a great space and doesn't need loads doing to make it useable so when I finally get the keys it should only be a couple of weeks before I'm open.

OK.  Starting to get a bit more excited now...

Friday, 9 September 2011

New Studio - An Update

So.  Another week on and still no keys!  I have today been told that the consent to let has been granted so there's nothing stopping it going ahead, but apparently I still have to wait another week before I actually get the keys...

I could use this opportunity to reiterate how frustrated I am, but frankly it's gone beyond that.  From the start I've been through excited, nervous, disappointed, angry, very angry, back to (slightly less) excited, to anxious to frustrated, angry again, frustrated once more to where I am now which is fed up and just wanting it all to be over.

I have a long list of people to contact once I'm in, which is a positive to focus on.  I can't help thinking about the even longer list of people I know I've lost over the summer while this fiasco has been playing out.

I am starting to get a bit more excited.  I've been disgruntled for too long now.  It's time to get a bit more gruntled...